This course will teach the student what obedience is and what it is not, the love of obedience, examples of old and new testament obedience, how disobedience will withhold God's blessings...
This course will teach the student what obedience is and what it is not, the love of obedience, examples of old and new testament obedience, how disobedience will withhold God's blessings...
If the student chooses to pay the degree program in full, a 25% discount will be applied, the total cost is $300. Student will receive access to all of his or her courses at one time. The Graduation fee is included in the total cost of $300 payment in full. There are no other fee(s).
Regular price
$100 enrollment fee to start, with 3 consecutive monthly payments of $100. The student that pays the $100 enrollment fee. Student will receive access to of his or her courses at one time. The Graduation fee is included in the total cost of the $400. There are no other fee(s)
Regular price
BIBLICAL STUDIES, FAMILY MINISTRY, OR PASTORAL MINISTRY: The Student will receive access to all of his or her courses at one time. The Diploma fee is included in the total cost of $150 payment in full. There are no other fee(s).
Regular price
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