What You Will Learn

๐ŸŒŸ Embark on a Faith Journey: Enroll in our Ephesians Course with Dr. Rick Greene! ๐ŸŒŸ

Ready for a transformative exploration of Ephesians' timeless wisdom? Join Dr. Rick Greene in this captivating course as we unravel the profound truths within this tenth book of the New Testament.

๐Ÿ“š What Awaits You:

Delve into Ephesians' historical context and its relevance to contemporary challenges.

Uncover the layers of Paul's teachings, emphasizing the believer's standing in grace.

Attain clarity on the believer's walk, service, and spiritual warfare.

Navigate the nuances of the true Church and its distinction from local assemblies.

Witness the practical implications of a Spirit-filled believer's life.

๐Ÿ” Why Ephesians Matters:

Ephesians tackles doctrinal depth, emphasizing the believer's identity and purpose. This epistle reinforces salvation by grace through faith, devoid of reliance on personal works. Dr. Rick Greene will guide you through the three essential sections of Ephesians, providing insights that resonate with today's challenges.

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿซ Meet Your Instructor:

Dr. Rick Greene, a seasoned scholar, brings expertise and passion to this course, ensuring an engaging and enriching learning experience. His commitment to deepening your understanding of Ephesians will empower you to apply its teachings to your ministry leadership.

๐Ÿš€ Why Wait? Enroll Today!

Don't miss the chance to explore the heart of Ephesians and unlock its transformative power. Whether seeking spiritual growth, a profound grasp of biblical principles, or a fresh perspective on grace, this course is tailored for pastors, ministers, and ministry leaders.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Reserve Your Place Now

Embark on this intellectual and spiritual adventureโ€”journey through Ephesians with us and discover profound truths that will impact your ministry and life!

Enroll Now and Illuminate Your Path with Ephesians!

Course curriculum

    1. A welcome message and instructions from your instructor

    2. Introduction

    3. How to use this course

    1. Ephesus

    2. Chapter 1 text

    3. Chapter 1 Quiz Questions

    1. Text

    2. Chapter 2 Quiz Questions

    1. Text

    2. Chapter 3 Quiz Questions

    1. text

    2. Chapter 4 Questions

    1. Text

    2. Chapter 5 Quiz Questions

About this course

  • Free
  • 19 lessons
  • Loaded with maps and charts

Pricing options

Get Started Today

Ephesians serves as a unique foundation for your roles in ministry. Delve into its teachings, distinguishing between broader church truths and local church dynamics. Gain practical wisdom for shepherding your flock and leading with spiritual discernment. I encourage you to utilize the thought-provoking questions provided for helping others or personal study. May this course not only enrich your understanding of Ephesians but also equip you for impactful ministry. My prayers accompany you, seeking God's blessings on your academic and spiritual endeavors. Welcome to this transformative course โ€“ may it be a source of inspiration and growth for your ministry leadership journey."